
Edenspiekermann and AZ Medien Raise Funding From DNI

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We are extremely happy to announce that we have received funding through Google’s Digital News Initiative.

With not just one but two different project applications, we convinced the DNI Innovation Fund team and council that Edenspiekermann can support high quality journalism through technology and innovation.

AZ Medien
Last January we launched eight new portals in Switzerland. The first project, IRIS, is a continuation of this work for our partner and client AZ Medien.

There are many news topics that local communities may regard as particularly pressing. Journalists, however, usually only discover them by accident. With IRIS, AZ Medien will build a platform where citizens’ concerns can be collected and rated on a municipal level, allowing journalists to then write about them.

We are very happy to have the chance—together with Lovely Systems—to be able to take the next step in this project, and are looking forward to intensifying our work with AZ Digital’s team.

Edenspiekermann The second project we raised funding for is one especially close to our hearts, an idea that was born during the last Edenspiekermann Maker Days. With the help of DNI funding, we are pleased to be able to prototype a new post-publishing tool for journalists, POST, that will suggest the right action at the right moment. Quick and simple.

“At Edenspiekermann we aim to develop helpful tools for journalists to bring their stories to life in front of their audiences. The Digital News Initiative gives us the opportunity to research and prototype new tools, bringing journalism forward in times where we need it most,” says Christian Hanke.

Google DNI selected 19 projects within Germany, nine of which are prototyping projects like our post-publishing tool.

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