
The Greatest Brand Agency Showreel of All Time (Ever)

Manifesto blog

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Sometime in July, Steven and I began discussing what was for us a yearly summer project that we never seemed to finish: the Edenspiekermann showreel film. Every year, we would start this project with great enthusiasm, but eventually become disillusioned with what most design agency films become: An egotistical montage telling the viewer how great the said agency is, all coupled with lots of footage of people drawing on Post-it notes (in an attempt to “capture the feeling of their creative process”). Yawn. And so, we would lose interest and move on.

Once again, as this year’s summer season came around, Steven and I sat together, wondering if this elusive piece of cinematic history would ever make it to the silver (aluminium) screen. And then the idea became clear to us. A true eureka moment: If we were to make an agency film, it would need to be The Greatest Brand Agency Showreel of All Time. Ever.

And so, in the hottest week of the year in Berlin, armed with two rabbits, an overweight cat, a giant cheese and about 150 other props, we locked ourselves in a dark room and set out to make the most fun, entertaining and ridiculous agency film possible.

Here is some clips from behind the scenes.

You can watch The Greatest Brand Agency Showreel of All Time (Ever) here.

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