
Service Design and Brand Experiences

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JoostH 2Foto: Sebastiaan ter Burg

Joost Holthuis and Joost Mogendorff talked about how service design can help strengthen brand experiences, yesterday at the Creative Company Conference 2010.

Their main question: why is it so hard for some brands to offer great brand experiences?

The traditional way of building brands is by investing heavily in the brand promise: building awareness and likeability and creating an appealing brand image. Investing in delivery on the promise used to take second place.

But that is changing. Customers have an increasing influence on a brand and services have a big impact on their brand experience. There is a growing awareness that delivering the brand promise through excellent services, offer brands great opportunities to build strong relations with their customers.

A service is a chain of events. Building excellent services that offer great brand experiences is all about finding the ‘moments of truth’ within that chain. What are the relevant touch points and who is in control of those touch points within the organisation?

In order to build strong, successful brands, brand managers and service developers should work together, leave their safe havens and interact in a multidisciplinary way.

View presentation on Slideshare

In the next months Edenspiekermann will organise inspiring sessions to share knowledge and ideas about service design with close relations. Want to take part?
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